Sunday, November 10, 2013

Care of the Dog, 3rd edition 1946, Will Judy


**Care of the Dog

3rd edition 1946,    Will Judy


Dog Owner’s Pledge  
I  name here,  as a lover of dogs and all other animals, pledge myself: 
To keep my dog under control at all times and to train him to full obedience.
To respect the rights and feelings of others by keeping my dog from giving needless offense.
And as the dog is man’s best friend, even so I shall be my dog’s best friend.
Dog's Bill of Rights

I.       I want one large fresh bone each week for my dessert; I promise not to bury it in the flower pot.

II.      I want clean water in a clean dish twice daily.

III.     I want a dry draftless place for sleeping.

IV.     I want a collar that doesn't choke me and isn't so loose it catches on my ears.

V.      I want a quiet place in the basement on the Fourth of July.

VI.     I want every boy softly reprimanded who throws stones at me or twists my ears.

VII.    I want folks to believe in my wagging tail and pleading eyes.

VIII.   I want all persons to keep in mind that I do with my mouth, most things they do with            their hands; so, they needn't be afraid of a dog's teeth.

IX.     I want to be treated kindly, just as I treat children and all those in distress.

X.      I want my mind to be trained so that I can be of the fullest service.

XI.    I want to be considered one of the family, for I will give my life to protect it.

XII.  I want my master to be my god and to act the part. 

**Although I did not write this only copied from an old book in my library do not copy or re-use this without giving credit to the writer and publication it came from.

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