Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ask not what your club can do for you......

I have asked around and talked to old timers and searched the AKC website and what I have come up with is the goal or mission of a Parent Club is to Promote the breed. Light bulb moment, I did not know that. I have also discovered it is to Protect and Preserve the breed. I am pretty sure those objectives have been around for a long time and should not be arbitrarily tossed out the window in favor of developing a pet following HOWEVER...... We can add to those phrases and we can figure out how including ALL of our puppy people in fact,  does help to promote and protect and preserve.
Here is some food for thought.... 

**there is only so many ready willing and able volunteers per 100 members. We have just over 200. That gives us a finite amount of help. Imagine if we had 400.   We would double our ability to bring value to all members.   We are talking about 1214 puppies from 2018.    The club is not going to be for all of them, we know that.    But what about 100, that is less than 10%.   We are now including a bit of an intro with all new members.  Thank you Dianne!   This is a huge ice breaker.   We need to get to know these people and put our club arm around them in.   Members in their area can step up and say "hi, you come here often?"  or better yet “hi, ever been to a Fast Cat”?   

**Ever feel like you are preaching to the choir?   I have heard a 100 times on FB “my dog’s friendly” followed by “that is fine but mine is not”    I have heard say no to dog parks over and over.   I know we ALL would love new people to share our experiences with, to help thru tough times, and teach about one of our biggest passions, Staffordshire Bull Terriers.    I know for a fact WE all love to share knowledge and offer advice.   I see it every day. 

**We have a magazine and multiple events all around the country.     There is plenty of room there for pet families to have value.   I love the Pet Corner idea in the Magazine.    We are planning a “Meet the Member” for the next issue and all subsequent issues.  I would love more information on after purchase support of your new puppy.  First 1 ½ years of puppy activities.    How many of your new homes were shocked when their dog social puppy became a sharp with other dogs when he/she hit two.    Not every breeder has time for every new needy puppy owner, but guess what, WE DO!!

**The Magazine needs help.    I would like to see a team instead of one person.   This is a lot of work to put together and extremely costly for the club.   We need to breathe some new life into it.   We are working on it, but we need help. 

**The Website needs a facelift.   Just know, we are ON IT DOT COM!! 

The fact of the matter remains we need more members.  We need breeders to feel safe and comfortable and trusting about referring their new owners which means ensuring all puppies are registered and that we play nice with ALL breeders and all new owners.   We need to bring back people we lost.   We need to add value to our club for these people.  We need a reason to stay when things are not soft and fluffy.  Having members who are purely pet people can also fill the void for volunteers at trials and shows.    Those are also gateway drugs to entering said shows and trials and getting another Stafford.    Being better support to all Stafford owners, not just your own, is to me what it is all about. 

When we were campaigning this last fall you all asked a ton of questions.    I have not forgotten.    From those questions and my answers I came up with these goals for my term.   I believe working on these 3 goals will cover most of membership concerns.  

Improve Finances:  Hold revenue generating performance events which makes us financially healthier and also highlights and includes performance people and their dogs as vital and important to us.     Getting more members will increase our pool of potential volunteers and also increases our financial health.   Those volunteers bring ideas and elbow grease with them.    More members mean more volunteers.   Seriously, what is more enthusiastic than a new puppy owner, other than their puppy?

Be better Educators:   The Judges Education is on fire right now.   They have also been tasked with educating membership right up with the judges.  They have been given a beefy list of goals and objectives.  From now on whatever judges get we get.   This absolutely leaves a hole for Pet and Training and General Stafford husbandry but it is part of the education plan.   

Faster Information / Communication:  The dissemination of information and how we do it is perhaps the most important.  Do what we say and say what we do!  The magazine is great and has an important purpose but we are missing so much time sensitive information because it will be too late to us.  We have had 3 pseudo club newsletters since my term began.    This newsletter will evolve over time.  People and regions can and should submit things for us to include.   We may make a judgement that something should be in the magazine but the odds are high we can get it out to members right away.    As President I want to get your show and event information, out to members.    I want to get that educational seminar we are having at a show out to all of you before it fills up and especially before it is an article in the SS about its success.  You all need to know what's up as soon as possible.

All of these things will make us a more value added club.  I am sure the board will tell you that we are working at light speed behind the scenes.     There is a chicken or the egg thing going on here, though.   We can’t attract and keep members until we do certain things but we can’t do certain things until we have more participation and volunteers (members).    This is not to discount the volunteers who are working tirelessly now.  They are doing amazing with the resources we have in place.    Imagine doubling it!!  

We need this AKC Pilot Program.   Really we do.  We will give them stats from last year and they will provide a program with our breed specific advice and then when the year is over we will have the stats to compare its success.    It costs us nothing except to register our puppies which we should be doing anyway.   As Judith says in today’s world a person needs proof of ownership.    Thanks Judith, spot on!

Ask not what your club can do for you but what can you do for your club!   We do need help right now. 

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