Form and Function in animals have been a large part of my life
since I was very young. My only
challenge in the dog world is understanding and memorizing each breed standard
and learning what “type” is for each breed.
Type is what makes each breed different.
It takes three things to make a Stafford:
It takes three things to make a Stafford:
A pet only needs a good temperament. A performance dog needs temperament and soundness. A Stafford needs all three,
Once my bitch won the breed at a large prestigious event with a foreign Judge. After the judging he made mention that there were a lot of nice moving dogs in the ring but only a few that looked like a Stafford.
Another Judge told me once that when the exhibits walk in the ring he immediately discounts the ones that do not look like Staffords and then judges the rest. This could explain why a beautifully structured dog loses to a lessor dog that has more bred type. This is funny to me because I have watched a lot of judging over the years and I always had a suspicion that 90% of the time the good judges are picking the dog the minute it walks in the ring and the rest of the time they are confirming their decision. A good eye can spot the winner immediately. Going over the dogs is just a formality to make us entrants feel better about spending the money to be there.
Copyright 2013 Ciera Reflections. All Rights Reserved.
Once my bitch won the breed at a large prestigious event with a foreign Judge. After the judging he made mention that there were a lot of nice moving dogs in the ring but only a few that looked like a Stafford.
Another Judge told me once that when the exhibits walk in the ring he immediately discounts the ones that do not look like Staffords and then judges the rest. This could explain why a beautifully structured dog loses to a lessor dog that has more bred type. This is funny to me because I have watched a lot of judging over the years and I always had a suspicion that 90% of the time the good judges are picking the dog the minute it walks in the ring and the rest of the time they are confirming their decision. A good eye can spot the winner immediately. Going over the dogs is just a formality to make us entrants feel better about spending the money to be there.
Copyright 2013 Ciera Reflections. All Rights Reserved.
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